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Please complete this 9-Question Interactive Checklist
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1- Do you have and share cybersecurity guidelines with your team (This question is required).
Guidelines should detail the responsibilities of all team members such as completing security training, practicing appropriate levels of cyber hygiene (using 2FA, strong passwords, etc). They should incorporate all team members including full-time employees, freelancers, and vendors.
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2- Do you provide cybersecurity awareness training? (This question is required).
Employees are your front line of defense, so it’s paramount that they are trained to recognize potentially malicious messages.
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3- Are your key business systems updated with the latest version and patches? (This question is required).
Keeping all software updated with the latest security updates is crucial. Criminals search for organizations that haven’t patched known vulnerabilities.
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4- Are there measures to check employee emails for malware, phishing, and other social engineering attempts?(This question is required).
While most email providers (e.g., Gmail, Yahoo, etc.) and browsers (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.) provide baked-in protections, research has shown they’re far from air-tight. It’s recommended for businesses to take additional protections on top of these out-of-the-box solutions.
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5- Is multi-factor authentication (MFA) in place for all your business networks? (This question is required).
MFA (including two-factor authentication – 2FA) won’t enable access to criminals even if passwords are compromised. Be sure to implement MFA for all business applications (where available) and internal networks.
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6- Do you have a robust backup solution in place for critical data?This question is required.*
Regular backups allow your business to recover quickly in the face of ransomware, natural disasters, or other forms of data loss.
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7- Do you restrict user access to only what is necessary for each employee's role? (This question is required).
You should provide team members with the least amount of network privileges necessary to do their jobs effectively. These centralized controls can minimize the impact in the event of a breach.
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8- Is sensitive data encrypted both at rest and in transit? (This question is required).
Encryption is key to protecting data integrity and the privacy of your customers and employees.
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9- Do you have a firewall to safeguard your internal network? (This question is required).
A firewall serves as a barrier between your network and potential threats via IP "allowed" lists and "denied" lists (sometimes known as IP whitelists or blacklists).
Ideally, these are continually updated to block team members from accessing known malicious URLs that may inject viruses, ransomware, and other maladies.
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